Life is beautiful. Good health is the greatest blessing one can receive from God. The next greatest gift is a fulfilling and comfortable life – the ability to live your heart’s desire. Being with your loved ones, Visiting places you like, Eating things you want, and doing what you love – these are the contents of a successful life.

Not every one of us is born in a castle of glass with a silver spoon in mouth. By the time we leave college or home for earning, we realize that life is not what we had dreamed of in our childhood. It’s not fair either. We start compromising and adjusting with the situations without even realizing – this is not what I had
The importance of money in this materialistic world is well established. A life of poverty and ignorance brings nothing but suffering, pain, destruction, and misery. In our country India, poverty is the major cause of all evil. It is therefore absolutely important to take action to raise ourselves and live a life full of meaning and joy. Freedom from financial worries can give you the life of your dreams.
If you are rich, you understand the joys and freedom money brings. Of course, it cannot buy true friends or true love. But if you have them, it will give you moments you will cherish till death. Let me ask you, If you were financially sound, would you be living the same life as of now? I am confident that your answer is No.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is devastation. Ignorance is
Jim Rohntragedy . And Ignorance is Illness.
Change Yourself
Every adversity brings with itself an opportunity to grow and learn. It is not your fault that you were born poor, but I would blame you if you die a poor man. The good news is that everyone can have what he wants. The world has infinite resources of wealth waiting to be unlocked. The path, however, is not always easy.

Hard work in the right direction can pull you out from the grasp of misery. You too can live the life of your dreams. But first, you have to believe in yourself and the power inside you. When you start working for a better future, you are not only uplifting yourself, but those near you get benefited as well.
There is a giant inside each one of us. In most of us, it is sleeping. You have to wake him up. The day you say, “This is enough, I cannot be like this anymore. I cannot submit to this life full of misery and compromises and I promise myself to do whatever it takes to make myself a better person so that I bring happiness to myself and those around me”, your life changes.
Life isn’t about finding yourself.
It is about creating yourself.
Everybody cannot become Mukesh Ambani. But the fact is, you do not need to become Ambani to live a fulfilling life. You can have a lot less than him and still be happy than 99% of the people. It is a common misconception that you need an unusually huge amount of money to live a great life. This is not true. Living comfortably without any monetary headaches is one thing and wasting money on things you do not need is another. We must learn how to use money efficiently.
In The End
Life is too short to waste on things that won’t matter in the end. Why not become alert and get financially literate and get rid of financial problems while we are still young and energetic? This will leave us enough time to focus on things that really matter – family, friends, social aspirations, etc. Why leave everything for tomorrow?
Here on Moneyhandle, I have made a small attempt to help you become financially fit. There are strategies to save, invest, get yourself insured, and grow your money. Even if you do not make much, following these strategies will help you to live a much more predictable and comfortable life. Retiring from your job early will be possible. Concepts such as financial independence and financial freedom can be a reality. So read as much as you can and grow and take charge of your financial health. And your suggestions and queries are most welcome.